Search Ads 360 (SA360) is Google’s enterprise search management platform that helps agencies and marketers efficiently manage large search marketing campaigns across multiple engines and media channels.

Unfortunately, Search Ads 360 Pricing is not shared by Google as explained below.

SA360 Pricing 

The cost of SA360 is not publicly available information and is based on:

  • The location of where your company is operating
  • Where you’ll be purchasing the products from (there are two options, directly from Google or via a Google Marketing Platform sales partner)
  • Whether or not your company will be using the entire suite or selecting specific products

Where can you access the SA360 pricing?

In some countries, Google does not directly sell SA360.

This is why Google started the Google Marketing Platform Partner program.

Certified companies and sales partners, like XPON Technologies, have been chosen to not only resell SA360 but also engage with customers by providing support, service, and training.

We highly recommend purchasing SA360 through a certified partner as Google does not directly offer tailored training or support.

If you would like to access SA360 pricing information, please get in touch with our team.

Benefits of SA360

The powerful search management platform, SA360 is the perfect upgrade from the core Google Ads platform. SA360 will enable you to:

  • Advanced integration with the other components of the Google Marketing Platform
  • Manage all search engines on a single platform
  • Easily manage inventory distribution
  • Refine management with micro-conversions & attribution models
  • More detailed personalisation features
  • Forecast and report on performance with SA360s Budget Management plan

Is it worth upgrading to SA360?

If your company has a high-traffic website at the centre of a heavy personalised digital marketing ecosystem, you will definitely benefit from the Google Marketing Platform’s enterprise features.

Frequently asked questions about SA360

What is SA360?

Search Ads 360 (SA360) is Google’s enterprise search management platform that helps agencies and marketers efficiently manage large search marketing campaigns across multiple engines and media channels.

Search Ads 360 Pricing?

SA360 pricing is not publicly available and you will have to contact a certified partner, like XPON Technologies.

If you would like to better understand the costs of the Google Marketing Platform, please get in touch with our team.

It’s important to note that costs vary based on:

  • The location of where your company is operating
  • Where you’ll be purchasing the products from (there are two options, directly from Google or via a Google Marketing Platform sales partner)
  • Whether or not your company will be using the entire suite or selecting specific products

How do you purchase SA360?

Google does not directly sell the GMP suite or individual products in every country. It is recommended that you purchase the suite or specific products through a certified partner, like XPON Technologies. Certified partners are able to service, support, train, and provide a better customer experience.

Is SA360 worth the cost?

Search Ads 360 has many benefits. Digital Advertising campaigns that run across multiple search engines can be done so more efficiently and optimally with SA360.  However, SA360 is predominantly geared towards larger advertisers who operate across different search engines, with larger advertising budgets and require more sophisticated attribution modeling.