Google is constantly coming up with new ways for businesses to boost their online visibility and high quality traffic from the search platform. The Google lead form extension is the newest addition that aims to help businesses generate more search engine conversions than ever before.

In 2019, mobile users make up for over 50% of search traffic however mobile conversion rates are currently much lower than desktop. 

This suggests that search ads are not quite optimised for mobile users that are constantly seeking better user experiences and faster access to information.

Google has already made a lot of changes recently to cater for this, including changing how informative search information is displayed which has driven the growth of “no click search” – which now amounts to 49% of all Google searches. This has drastically reduced the visibility and click-throughs of organic search. 

Google itself is reducing the need for web users to visit websites anymore, and the Google lead form extension is the next step towards shorter user conversion paths for paid search.

Google’s lead form extension addition is directly targeted at mobile users and aims to collect customers’ information right on the query page. 

With this new extension, the conversion path is so simple – users see a paid ad with a call to action button right there in the search results page, and can easily fill a short form without having to visit another website or landing page. As a business using lead form extensions, you have the chance to skyrocket your conversion rate.

The new Google lead from extensions will help your business get much needed visibility for your website, placing you on par with other no-click results. 

How Google Lead Forms Extensions Work

A form will be shown just under your search ad on Google, either blank or with pre-filled details of users if they are already logged in with a Google account. Details that can be collected include:

  • Name
  • E-mail address
  • Phone
  • Location / Postal code
  • Comments / message of enquiry

The snippet with the lead form extension will have a headline, business name, and description. You can also select from numerous call-to-actions that you can use to draw in search users, including:

  • Contact us
  • Subscribe
  • Learn more
  • Get offer
  • Book now
  • Sign up
  • Apply now
  • Get quote
  • Download

These options are great for all different types of businesses and ad goals. If we at Internetrix were going to pick a call-to-action for our Google services we would probably go with “Get a Quote” or “Contact Us”. Your call-to-action fully depends on the headline and description of your ad.

After successfully choosing a relevant call-to-action, you’ll be prompted to insert your extension text. These details should summarise what you’re offering in relation to the search queries as well as the reason for the form.

It’s important to note there are some text limits including a maximum of 200 characters for the description text, while the headline and business text are both limited to 30 characters. These text limitations are again intended to create a direct message and short experience for the users. 

The benefits of using Google lead form extensions:

  • Mobile traffic on the web is higher than traffic from any other type of device. 80% of business transactions are completed using mobile, however, search ad conversion rate from mobile is quite low. The extension will increase the conversion rate of your mobile search ads. 
  • These extensions create a simple and effective user experience. It reduces the complexity that comes with engaging a traditional ad. Users can quickly see the important details about a business and decide if it’s what they want. Also, a user searching for a very specific business can easily find it and convert.
  • You never have to worry about an optimised page as the forms are guaranteed fast loading speed. Websites that take over 2 second to load are usually a turnoff for web visitors. The speed of Google lead form extensions encourages visitors to click on the link and a Google user who is already logged will have their information pre-filled, meaning they can complete the form even faster.

The new Google lead form extension presents a new opportunity for businesses.