Digital Transformation

Build a roadmap to digital success with XPON’s Digital Experience Blueprint (DXB)

The digital landscape is changing faster than ever. AI, ML, and data privacy regulations are creating widening gaps between mature and immature businesses. Don’t get left behind!

To guide your Digital Transformation journey, XPON’s Digital Experience Blueprint provides a strategic roadmap to accelerate your digital maturity, unlock new revenue streams, and optimise your operations.

stages of digital experience blueprint

Marketing, Digital and Technology leaders use the Digital Experience Blueprint to

Understand their digital capability

XPON’s Digital Maturity Benchmark enables an understanding of your organisation’s digital capability, customer experience and overall maturity compared to others in your industry via a series of subjective and objective assessments.

Define a strategic roadmap for success

The Digital Experience Blueprint provides a strategic view of what an organisation needs to focus on to drive digital maturity including key activities and dependencies required to achieve organisational goals.

Create value quickly and incrementally

The Digital Experience Blueprint focuses on first delivering high-priority initiatives that will deliver the most value with the least amount of dependencies or blockers.

Not sure what your current level of digital maturity is?

Take the quick, 10-question survey to find out.

How XPON’s Digital Experience Blueprint (DXB) works:

The Digital Experience Blueprint is a consultative process that helps you become familiar and comfortable with the benefits and value proposition of a strategic approach to modernising marketing, data, product and customer experience.

1. Discover & plan

XPON will facilitate a series of workshops & reviews with key stakeholders and technologists where we explore opportunities for you to develop best practice approaches to digital engagement.

round table discussing and planning

2. Launch & ramp

XPON work through the priority initiative plan across Data, MarTech and AdTech, diligently working to expedite time-to-value.

man writing on board launch and ramp

3. Scale & maintain

XPON scale initiatives across technology, data, people and process, to move you towards customer-centric marketing & CX at pace, further operationalising infrastructure and uplifting capabilities.

woman working on laptop with bar graph scaling and maintaining

Understand how similar businesses are performing.

Download the 2023 Digital Maturity insights report.

The 2023 Digital Maturity Insights Report reveals the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities extracted from surveying over 100 marketing, technology, and digital leaders across Australia and New Zealand.

    digital maturity report download button

    Ready to accelerate your digital transformation?

    Contact XPON today for a free consultation and discover how our Digital Experience Blueprint can help you achieve your business goals.

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