As of March 16th, 2022, Google announced that the mainstream version of Google Analytics labeled “Universal Analytics” will be deprecated in July 2023, with Google Analytics (360) enterprise depreciating in October 2023, presenting Google Analytics 4 (GA4) as the future of the platform.

To find out more, download our up-to-date guide to GA4 and Privacy-First Measurement.


Download our GA4 guide.


With the introduction of Google Analytics 4 (GA4), Google has released collection and configuration limits that apply to the new property. These limits are only relevant to this property and are on a per-property basis.

Keep in mind that GA4 will not log events and event parameters that exceed the Google Analytics limits.

Are you still using a Universal Property?

If you are still using the Universal Analytics property, either through Google Analytics or Google Analytics 360, and haven’t updated to GA4, then you can find the Universal Analytics limits and quotas here.

(We recommend creating a GA4 property alongside your existing Universal property to gain access to some of the new features available in GA4).


What are your Collection Limits?

Logged Item GA4 Limit Can the item be deleted if you’re close to the limit?
Distinctly named events 500 per app instance

(Automatically collected events and events collected via enhanced measurements do not count)

Length of the event name 40 characters N/A
Length of event-parameter name 40 characters N/A
Length of event-parameter value 100 characters N/A
User properties 25 per property No
Length of user-property names 24 characters N/A
Length of user-property values 36 characters N/A

What are your Configuration Limits?  

GA4 lets you track an almost infinite number of parameters with events but you will not be able to access all of them from the interface. You will need to pick your top 50 text parameters to map as custom dimensions in the reporting UI.

Configured Item GA4 Limit Can the item be deleted if you’re close to the limit?
Audiences 100 Yes
Conversions 30 Yes
Custom Insights 50 Yes
Funnels 200 Yes
Registered user properties 25 Yes
Registered text parameters 50 Yes
Registered numeric parameters 50 Yes
Registered custom conversion events 30 Yes
Data retention Up to 14 months N/A
Analyses 200 created per user

500 shared

Analysis of sampling limits 10M events per query N/A